Daniel Piétro
Dependance affective : ses causes et ses effets 2e ed.
Daniel Piétro
- Les Éditions Québec-Livres
- 2 Août 2012
- 9782764032275
À partir de son expérience personnelle et de celle de nombreux clients l'ayant consulté, l'auteur trace ici le portrait du dépendant affectif et nous indique des solutions à ce problème.
À l'aide d'exemples éloquents, il explique comment on peut, grâce à une prise de conscience des carences héritées de l'enfance, se libérer de pièges tels que l'amour passion, l'alcoolisme, la toxicomanie et les désordres alimentaires.
L'auteur nous aide également à mieux comprendre la dépression ainsi qu'à accepter la perte d'un être cher. Il encourage chacun à travailler sur soi afin d'accéder à une vie d'adulte heureuse et responsable. Il s'agit là d'une démarche exigeante, certes, mais ô combien salutaire, avec le bonheur pour ultime récompense!
Psychothérapeute et conférencier, Daniel Piétro a placé la dépendance affective au centre de ses recherches depuis plusieurs années. Il aide ses clients à comprendre que l'origine de leurs difficultés se trouve dans des carences issues de l'enfance. -
This volume is a study of the many dimensions of the early reception of Cartesianism in German-speaking Europe during the seventeenth century based on the case of the University of Frankfurt an der Oder. It investigates the broad context of that discussion, which was at once scientific, cultural, political and socio-institutional. Chapter by chapter, the book sheds light on the most relevant aspects of the environment of the time. It is aimed at historians of science and philosophy, as well as scholars investigating German-speaking Europe of the 17th century.
This book provides an up-to-date overview on the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and imaging characteristics of sacral tumors, discusses the available treatment options, and reports the published outcomes. The diagnostic roles of conventional radiology, CT, and MRI are thoroughly described and imaging appearances are compared with the histologic features. The coverage of therapeutic approaches includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy, radiosurgery, and surgery (partial or total sacrectomy and spinopelvic reconstruction). Special attention is paid to the specific anatomic constraints that make tumors in this region of the spine more difficult to manage effectively than those in the extremities and the mobile portions of the spine.All components of the sacrum can give rise to benign or malignant tumors, which pose significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Although these tumors are often diagnosed at an advanced stage, good clinical outcomes may be achieved if an aggressive multidisciplinary approach is used. This book will be of value for a range of practitioners; it will assist in prompt diagnosis and help to overcome lack of familiarity with the required treatment strategies.
This book is an investigation of the ideological dimensions of the disciplinary discourses on science in line with the scholarly tradition of historical epistemology. It offers a programmatic treatment of the political-epistemological problematic along three entangled lines of inquiry: socio-historical, epistemological and historiographical. The book aims for a meta-level integration of the existing scholarship on the social and cultural history of science in order to consider the ways in which struggles for hegemony have constantly informed scientific discourses. This problematic is of primary relevance for scholars in Science Studies, philosophers, historians and sociologists of science, but would also be relevant for anybody interested in scientific culture and political theory.
Contingency and Natural Order in Early Modern Science
Rodolfo Garau
- Springer
- 9 Septembre 2019
- 9783319673783
This volume considers contingency as a historical category resulting from the combination of various intellectual elements - epistemological, philosophical, material, as well as theological and, broadly speaking, intellectual. With contributions ranging from fields as diverse as the histories of physics, astronomy, astrology, medicine, mechanics, physiology, and natural philosophy, it explores the transformation of the notion of contingency across the late-medieval, Renaissance, and the early modern period. Underpinned by a necessitated vision of nature, seventeenth century mechanism widely identified apparent natural irregularities with the epistemological limits of a certain explanatory framework. However, this picture was preceded by, and in fact emerged from, a widespread characterization of contingency as an ontological trait of nature, typical of late-Scholastic and Renaissance science. On these bases, this volume shows how epistemological categories, which are preconditions of knowledge as "historically-situated a priori" and, seemingly, self-evident, are ultimately rooted in time.
Contingency is intrinsic to scientific practice. Whether observing the behaviour of a photon, diagnosing a patient, or calculating the orbit of a distant planet, scientists face the unavoidable challenge of dealing with data that differ from their models and expectations. However, epistemological categories are not fixed in time. Indeed, there is something fundamentally different in the way an Aristotelian natural philosopher defined a wonder or a "monstrous" birth as "contingent", a modern scientist defines the unexpected result of an experiment, and a quantum physicist the behavior of a photon. Although to each inquirer these instances appeared self-evidently contingent, each also employs the concept differently.